Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2012

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby Виктория » 07 Oct 2012, 13:11

Очень хочется посмотреть гала,нигде не могу найти :plush47:
«На собственном опыте знаю, как ужасны для активного спортсмена боли в спине. Испытывавший боли в области спины, перенесший серьёзные операции, Плющенко совершил в Сочи настоящий подвиг», — убеждена Линичук.
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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby cekoni » 07 Oct 2012, 13:21

Виктория wrote:Очень хочется посмотреть гала,нигде не могу найти :plush47:

Later on youtube, you missed TV broadcasting this morning :mi_ga_et:


One more article, with information which you already know...

Takahashi, Wagner tip superstars at Japan Open:
http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article. ... y=ice_news

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby Дарина » 07 Oct 2012, 14:50

Тоже, наконец, посмотрела прокат. Понятно, что уставший, не выспавшийся, вторую часть докатывал уже на зубах. Но очень нравится музыка, программа и сам Евгений! Какой же он растянутый, тонкий, лёгкий, какие у него руки, какой он весь эстетичный. Красотища просто! :plush32:
Дорожку ему 4 уровнем поставили.Четверные есть, триксель сделал. Молодец просто! :co_ol:
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby Nat7 » 07 Oct 2012, 18:22

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby dimi » 07 Oct 2012, 20:47

Besides the mistakes, i really get warmed up with swan program, espeicially the first part until the circular sequence is really building well, I thought it was better than test skate.

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby Вера » 07 Oct 2012, 21:37

Дарина wrote: Но очень нравится музыка, программа и сам Евгений! Какой же он растянутый, тонкий, лёгкий, какие у него руки, какой он весь эстетичный. Красотища просто!

А я вдруг поняла, как ему идет эта музыка, такая же легкая, изящная, грациозная как он. И как ему нравится под нее кататься. :-): Он с ней просто сроднился. И нежность в ней есть, и трепетность какая-то, и легкая грусть. И в то же время энергия и драматизм. А в конце так вообще взрыв эмоций. Как говорил Мишин - "дрожащие струны души". Думаю, это будет шедевр не хуже Нижинского :co_ol:

Кстати, про Сен-Санса. :mi_ga_et:
Интересные факты.

Что он себе позволяет!

Как-то раз в беседе с Сен-Сансом некий отличавшийся большой самоуверенностью дирижер безапелляционно заявил, что в симфониях неуместно использование тромбонов. Удивленный этим Сен-Санс напомнил ему, что великий Бетховен позволял себе это и в его симфониях тромбоны звучат довольно часто.
Дирижер закричал в запале:
- Что он себе позволяет! Он, видимо, решил, что если он Бетховен, то ему все можно!
- О, не следует так переживать, сударь! - отвечал Сен-Санс. - Он - Бетховен, и ему все можно, а вы - это вы, и вам нельзя... Просто каждый должен заниматься своим делом.
(Это из серии - "Жене можно всё!" :hi_hi_hi:)

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby Gabry » 07 Oct 2012, 23:02

Many thanks for posting complete youtube performances at Japan Open!
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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby lovplush » 08 Oct 2012, 02:11

dimi wrote:Besides the mistakes, i really get warmed up with swan program, espeicially the first part until the circular sequence is really building well, I thought it was better than test skate.

Yes, I think so too. It is more detailed than the test skate, although I feel it could be even better by putting a bit more dancing elements in. Now many skaters put steps or spin combination after the first one or two jumps. Compare to these program, the "swan" not well balanced. But now with more connection elements (transition?), it looks quite OK. A bit more work on it would make this part equally detailed as the other "well balanced" program.

What can I say, he is just dancing on the ice, so elegant. :co_ol:
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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby cekoni » 08 Oct 2012, 02:40

More short videos from TV broadcasting...

JO2012 チャンvsプルvs高橋: - Plushy vs Chan vs Dai

JO2012 ED: - ending, pedestal

ALL Plushy's video in Playlist - 2012-10-06 Japan Open & Carnival On Ice: :plush45:
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL ... ULs6E3cKCW


JO2012 大輔&ニコライ: - Dai and Morozov

JO2012 TK「とことんやる」: Kozuka intro

Carnival on Ice... not yet Plushy

DT COI ピアソラ 2012:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... LsivBWXIC0

CaOI 2012 メリーポピンズメドレー 浅田真央 Mao ASADA CaOI 2012 メリーポピンズメドレー:

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby cekoni » 08 Oct 2012, 02:44

http://www.examiner.com/article/opining ... -is-wagner

Opining on Japan Open: The home team isn't messing around, neither is Wagner

The Japan Open always feels like the real start to the skating season. Sure, the Junior Grand Prix has already gone on for almost two months and there were the U.S. Classic and Nebelhorn, but the Japan Open is the competition where many of the stars start their season. It may be just a free-skate-only competition, but it sure is exciting.

In addition to the Japan Open, there were two other big senior competitions going on at the same time - everyone and their third cousins seemed to have been competing in the past few days. I'll be opining on Finlandia and Ondrej Nepela in a post later this weekend.

Team Japan wins big.

With the team competition being a medal event in Sochi, the team format suddenly takes on a much bigger significance. Team Japan won by almost 60 points thanks to very solid early-season performances by all four members. Daisuke Takahashi was the standout, landing a quad toe and a bunch of triples in the process. After almost retiring not that many years ago, I don't think I've seen him look any stronger this early in the season.
Daisuke Takahashi - 2012 Japan Open free skate

Takahiko Kozuka, the World silver medalist a few years back, skated very strongly, hitting his quad toe as well. Hopefully he doesn't leave it in the early part of the season. [Side note: does anyone understand Kozuka's choice of costumes? I thought it might have been an anomaly last year, but I'm now just baffled.]

I get the feeling that Yuna Kim's return this season will light at fire under the top ladies. Mao Asada could very well benefit from that timing, and she looked solid at Japan Open. A few underrotated jumps and an invalidated spin kept her from the top spot, but she looks to be starting off on the right foot.

Wagner continues to thrive.

It was bound to happen. Once Ashley Wagner had that breakthrough - at last season's Nationals - there was no stopping her. This girl thrives on success, and what she proved at Nationals, then Four Continents, then Worlds, then World Team Trophy has propelled her to want even more. In a ladies' field that has recently been characterized by winning via others' mistakes, Wagner's go-getter attitude is refreshing. This solid start for her could be the beginning of a lot of wins this season.

The same, unfortunately, couldn't be said about teammate Agnes Zawadzki. The former World junior silver medalist fell three times to start and only managed one clean triple in the process. Certainly not known for consistency, but Zawadzki did win in Salt Lake City a few weeks back over Gracie Gold.

Buttle gets third?

I'm not sure too many people predicted that Jeffrey Buttle, the only skater of the 12 who isn't training for Olympic-eligible competition, would get third. He landed a triple axel, the jump that gave him all sorts of troubles years ago when he was vying for World and Olympic glory. The 160+ score he got at Japan Open would make him more than competitive on the Grand Prix (though a lack of a quad would keep him in the 5-10 range at Worlds) - not that he's making a comeback.

Buttle's seven clean triples bested Evgeni Plushenko, who had a great first half but fell off later on. Based on last season, that's not an unusual thing for Plushenko, who, of course, has to pace his training to peak to prevent further wear and tear. But Buttle also beat Michal Brezina and, most surprisingly of all, Patrick Chan.

Chan, the two-time reigning World champion, wiped out four times in what is certainly his worst free skate in recent memory. It's his first season in the post-Krall era, and many wondered how he would fare without the coach who perfected his quad toe. It is, however, one competition, and early in the season at that. For sure, after this performance, every subsequent competition will become more crucial for his confidence. Where does he go from here? I'm as interested as you are.

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