Вера wrote:LunaMoon, большое спасибо за ваше искусство! Смотреть на это тяжело, но и оторваться невозможно. Ждем с нетерпение новых работ!
LunaMoon wrote:Here is a drawing I was working on last night. It's almost finished now, except for a few small corrections that I will make tonight.
LunaMoon wrote: Maybe I will finish it this weekend and can post it here - but only if it turns out good in the end.
Таня wrote:LunaMoon wrote:Here is a drawing I was working on last night. It's almost finished now, except for a few small corrections that I will make tonight.
LunaMoon, ПОТРЯСАЮЩЕ!!! Вера точно написала! Оторваться невозможно! Спасибо! Творите еще!!!
lёle4ka wrote:LunaMoon wrote: Maybe I will finish it this weekend and can post it here - but only if it turns out good in the end.
СПАСИБО, LunaMoon!! Это Изумительный рисунок !! Потрясающе переданы все те эмоции, тяжёлые и для него, и для нас!!! Неси сюда все остальные портреты Жени, какие ещё есть!! И все, какие ещё будут!! Мы точно знаем, что они тоже будут !! Мы верим в твой замечательный талант !!
LunaMoon wrote:... Of course, two years have already gone by since then. Zhenya has moved forward and is looking to Sochi, I know, but all this still troubled me for some reason. I needed to find some way to express the "negative" feelings I still had from Vancouver - to get them out and leave that behind (as he has). So this portrait is just my own "therapy" - an attempt to heal an old scar....
cekoni wrote:LunaMoon wrote:... Of course, two years have already gone by since then. Zhenya has moved forward and is looking to Sochi, I know, but all this still troubled me for some reason. I needed to find some way to express the "negative" feelings I still had from Vancouver - to get them out and leave that behind (as he has). So this portrait is just my own "therapy" - an attempt to heal an old scar....
Yes, i know this feelings - powerlessness and rage, especially because of "unsportsmanlike behavior" propaganda against him which was followed ... my only "therapy" was work on Plushy's forum (for his fans) and fight against lies at the other sites
Thanks dear for so touching drawning
LunaMoon wrote:...
I can only imagine what a difficult time you must have had, fighting the lies and negative propaganda all over the Internet, long after the Olympic games were over. But...be proud that you did such a fantastic job of it! I'm sure, too, that others like myself came here to this forum in that time and found not only the truth but also a welcome refuge from the storm. It may have been some "therapy" for you but when you fight for Evgeni, you fight for us ALL. I hope that you know how much all your hard work is appreciated! THANK YOU, CEKONI!
cekoni wrote:LunaMoon wrote:...
I can only imagine what a difficult time you must have had, fighting the lies and negative propaganda all over the Internet, long after the Olympic games were over. But...be proud that you did such a fantastic job of it! I'm sure, too, that others like myself came here to this forum in that time and found not only the truth but also a welcome refuge from the storm. It may have been some "therapy" for you but when you fight for Evgeni, you fight for us ALL. I hope that you know how much all your hard work is appreciated! THANK YOU, CEKONI!
Thanks, but fortunately, I was not the only one who defended him - here and around the world, even in US, Plushy had and now has many devoted fans! Thanks to all Plushy fans!
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