Видеомонтажи || Video montages

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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby cekoni » 29 Jul 2010, 07:02

sosol wrote:Uh-oh...I think my Youtube channel was removed :is_te_ri_ka:

You got some warning? :sh_ок: :-( :plush43:
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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby sosol » 29 Jul 2010, 20:30

Not really, no :-( I tried logging in and it just said there was an error. Then I tried playing that video by Lina and it said the account was suspended :ny_tik: I think the "third strike" was her video, because of the song...but I'll upload it again as soon as I'm done with the Portrait of a Star videos ::yaz-yk: I won't put certain keywords this time, let's see if it'll work...

The only thing I get sad about is that there was this one girl who emailed me a big message and I told her I couldn't reply - she said it was ok because she was going to China for 2 weeks and she'd have no internet access there. Fine, but now I don't remember her username :plush29: I hope she can find me (or my new channel) again!
"He moved with grace, he entertained so naturally, no gesture out of place
His road in life was clearly drawn, he didn't hesitate
He played, they saw, he conquered as the master of his fate" - The Golden Boy - Freddie Mercury

Don't know Andre Matos? http://andre-coelho-matos.spaces.live.com
My Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solangeag1
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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby cekoni » 30 Jul 2010, 06:31

sosol wrote:Not really, no :-( I tried logging in and it just said there was an error. Then I tried playing that video by Lina and it said the account was suspended :ny_tik: I think the "third strike" was her video, because of the song...but I'll upload it again as soon as I'm done with the Portrait of a Star videos ::yaz-yk: I won't put certain keywords this time, let's see if it'll work...

Make more accounts - one for "Star", one for other videos.... :mi_ga_et:
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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby cekoni » 30 Jul 2010, 07:08


The Mullet Begins by xsindeex :plush45:

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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby sosol » 06 Aug 2010, 18:24

Watch this video before Youtube deletes it again! :hi_hi_hi: It is already blocked in Germany, sorry! This is a very beautiful video montage made by my friend Carolina - as she doesn't have a Youtube account, she asked me to upload it for her, then my account was deleted because the song was copyrighted, so now I opened another channel just to upload this and other copyright-"dangerous" videos that I might want to upload (that's why the channel's so empty), and for the regular videos I made the channel that's on my signature (see below). Hope you like the video!! :mi_ga_et: (see the lyrics and the translation below)

The lyrics: "Deja que llueva", de Ana Torroja

Me pasaría horas en tus ojos sin bastarme
me quedaría días aquí en tus labios a beber
me envolvería en el silencio blanco de tu arena

Y deja que llueva
deja que llueva

Caminaría por tu piel descalza y vulnerable
te ofrecería besos de los de sabor a miel
me bañaría en tu ternura cálida y serena

Y deja que llueva
deja que llueva
No quiero saber
lo que hay detrás
de cada gota de agua
deja que el viento haga el resto entre los dos

Me pasaría horas en tus brazos sin soltarme
me quedaría días así, en tu cuerpo, sin pedir
me encerraría en ese cielo, el que tú me acercas
aunque ahí afuera
sea primavera

No quiero saber
lo que hay detrás
de cada gota de agua
deja que el viento haga el resto entre los dos

Me pasaría horas en tus brazos sin soltarme

me quedaría días así, en tu cuerpo, sin pedir
me encerraría en ese cielo, el que tú me acercas
y cuando quieras que yo te quiera
deja que llueva
deja que llueva

Y cuando quieras que yo te quiera
deja que llueva
deja que llueva

The translation: "Let it rain" (by Ana Torroja)

I could spend hours and hours watching your eyes ...
without getting tired of doing that,
I could stay for days in your lips
I could wrap me around the white silence of your sand,
And let it rain, let it rain...

I could walk on your vulnerable and bared skin
I could offer your honey-flavored kisses
I could take a bath of your warm and serene tenderness
And let it rain, let it rain
I don't want to know what's behind of every single drop of water
Come and let the wind do the rest between us

I could spend hours and hours in your arms and don't let go of you
I could stay for days in your body without requesting anything
I could enclose myself in that heaven that you bring to me
...and even though outside is spring...

I don't want to know what's behind of every single drop of water
Come and let the wind do the rest between us
I could spend hours and hours in your arms and don't let go of you
I could stay for days in your body without requesting anything
I could enclose myself in that heaven that you give me
And whenever you want me to love you
just let it rain, let it rain
And whenever you want me to love you
just let it rain, let it rain...
"He moved with grace, he entertained so naturally, no gesture out of place
His road in life was clearly drawn, he didn't hesitate
He played, they saw, he conquered as the master of his fate" - The Golden Boy - Freddie Mercury

Don't know Andre Matos? http://andre-coelho-matos.spaces.live.com
My Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/solangeag1
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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby Вера » 06 Aug 2010, 19:32

Нашла интересный монтаж
Tardet/Plushenko/Marton: Tribute to Nijinsky

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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby simona » 06 Aug 2010, 20:01

Image Stunning stuff!


Th@nx 4 sharing girls!
Simona Barbara


Image Image Image Image Image Image


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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby Irisha2010 » 06 Aug 2010, 20:46

Вера,спасибо за Нижинского,каждый раз убеждаюсь для меня Нижинский самай, самый,слышу музыку и вижу Женю на льду и весь танец перед глазами.
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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby dominique » 06 Aug 2010, 20:51

Вера wrote:Нашла интересный монтаж
Tardet/Plushenko/Marton: Tribute to Nijinsky

Vera this is very imposing and very compelling..... :plush34: Our eyes and our hearts are richer after watching this video...
Thank you ever so much! :plush39: :plush39: :plush39:
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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Postby Вера » 07 Aug 2010, 12:33

Irisha2010 wrote:каждый раз убеждаюсь для меня Нижинский самай, самый,слышу музыку и вижу Женю на льду и весь танец перед глазами.

:a_g_a: Аналогично, Ириш.Продолжение следует в теме Видео с Женей. :mi_ga_et:
dominique wrote:Our eyes and our hearts are richer after watching this video...

Хорошо сказано, dominique :plush45:
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