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Зимние Олимпийские игры 2010 в Ванкувере || Winter Olympic games 2010 in Vancouver

Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby cekoni » 16 Feb 2010, 11:08

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/o ... s.preview/
February 16, 2010

Plushenko heads wide-open field

Evgeni Plushenko is a gold-medal favorite in the men's competition.

The must-see event of these Olympics in figure skating, for a change, is the men, which begins Tuesday night. The field is wide open: competing are four world champions, seven world medalists, the defending Olympic champion. There is also a potential judging brouhaha that is a lit fuse waiting to explode. Tonya and Nancy, it's not, but for these days on the snore-me figure skating beat, it's a pretty rich brew. I see ten skaters who have a reasonable shot at a medal, and four men who could possibly win. Let's break them down by categories.

Possible medalists with no chance of winning

• Tomas Verner, Czech Republic -- The 23-year-old was European champion in 2008 and finished 4th last season at the World Championships in L.A. But he's been off form this year, finishing 10th in the most recent Europeans and losing the Czech national title to 19-year-old Michal Brezina. He is the longest of longshots for bronze.

• Daisuke Takahashi, Japan -- Takahashi, also 23, finished second in the Worlds as recently as 2007, but knee surgery cost him most of the 2008-09 season. He has recently showed sign of returning to his best form, however, winning the highly competitive Japanese national championship and leading the Grand Prix final after the short program, before falling to fifth.

• Nobunari Oda, Japan -- Oda finished second in the Grand Prix final this season after winning two Grand Prix events in the fall. Just 22, he could surprise. He has conquering in his blood, being a direct descendent of 16th century Japanese warlord Oda Nobunaga.

• Johnny Weir, U.S. -- Weir, 25, is the hands-down champion of commanding media attention. He has been making flamboyant statements all season, perhaps emboldened after allowing a filmmaker (Be Good, Johnny Weir) to document him and a boyfriend vamping it up in a bubble bath. Since coming to Vancouver, he's called for one respected American judge, Joe Inman, to be permanently banned from judging, and described decorating the suite he's sharing in the athlete village with ice dancer Tanith Belbin with scented candles and pink bathmats. He's a cutey, all right. But champion of an actual skating competition? Never mind the Olympics? I'm sorry. Weir is in shape, and he did finish 3rd in the world as recently as 2008. But he doesn't have a fighter's personality, which, believe it or not, this sport requires. He could win bronze, though, if he actually lands all the jumps in both his programs, something he hasn't done in years.

• Brian Joubert, France -- A lot of people think that Joubert, 25, is a gold medal contender, because he can land a quad-triple combination, and has one planned in both his short and his long program. If he lands them, that's a lot of points. But there is nothing else to his skating, and frankly, if the judges are going to put someone on top of the podium for his quad-triples, they'll put Russia's Evgeni Plushenko, who does everything else better than Joubert. Yes, Plushenko could implode. But it is far, far more likely that Joubert will.

• Jeremy Abbott, U.S. -- It would be nice to be able to write that the two-time U.S. champion is a gold medal contender, especially since he won the prestigious Grand Prix final in 2009. But he has never finished higher than 11th in two appearances at the World Championships, and he has just not proved himself to the international judges who will make up most of the panel. Abbott can be great: he was at the U.S. Nationals. But he looks tight here, and is soft-selling his chances by saying he's not concerned with placement. He likes not being in the spotlight, and there is no brighter spotlight than that which shines on the Olympic champion. He would be thrilled with bronze.

Probable medalists, one of whom will win gold:

• Evgeni Plushenko, Russia -- The defending Olympic champion, Plushenko, 27, is the favorite on the basis of his kick-butt win at Europeans, when he landed two quad-triple combinations with ease and absolutely hammered the field. Since then, however, an American judge who isn't here, Inman, has brought to light Plushenko's dirty little secret: his transitional moves between his jumps are virtually non-existent and there is a disconnect between him and his music much of the time. His spins are average, at best; his footwork is strong but not great. So he needs those jumps. But he has been remarkably consistent landing them over the course of his great career-three world titles and six European championships in addition to a gold medal in Torino and a silver in Salt Lake City. The man is clutch.

• Stephane Lambiel, Switzerland -- I love watching Lambiel. The 24-year-old was world champion in 2005-06 and the silver medalist in Torino. He finished second to Plushenko in Europeans this year. He has a quad-triple combination, is the best spinner in the world, and audiences love his theatrical style. He's (itals) this (end itals) close. If he can put it all together, he could win. It's just that he so seldom does, anymore.

• Patrick Chan, Canada -- He will be the crowd favorite, and judges have been known to be swayed. Second at the Worlds in 2009, the 19-year-old Chan has fantastic footwork and transitions, if the judges are paying attention to those things. He's fast on the ice, clean, and artistic. But he doesn't have a quad. That's a problem. What he does have is pressure. A ton of it. No Canadian man has ever won Olympic gold in figure skating, and better skaters than Chan (Brian Orser, Kurt Browning), have tried.

• Evan Lysacek, U.S. -- The defending world champion, Lysacek, 24, has had an up-and-down year. He did win the Grand Prix final (Plushenko wasn't there), but then was soundly beaten by Abbott while finishing second at the U.S. championships. After flirting all season with whether to try to land a quad, he has scrapped the idea and decided to put everything he has into his program, landing just triples. It seems to have freed him up inside, and he's been practicing very, very well here in Vancouver. "I'm so happy skating here," he said this morning after a clean run through in his short. "I'm having fun. My elements feel secure. The ice feels good. I like my music. Everything's great." He has the appearance of an athlete at the top of his game and ready to get started.

• Gold -- Evgeni Plushenko :plush45: :plush47:
• Silver -- Evan Lysacek
• Bronze -- Patrick Chan
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby cekoni » 16 Feb 2010, 11:47

http://beta.news-press.com/article/2010 ... 60348/1075
By Craig Handel • chandel@news-press.com • February 16, 2010

Who will win skating gold?
Ex-figure champ, trainer give thoughts

Richard Callaghan and Todd Eldredge have worked together for 28 years, first as trainer and skater and now as co-trainers of Champions of America Competitive Skating Team, which is run out of Germain Arena.

That doesn't mean they concur on everything. That includes who's going to take home the gold medal in the men's figure skating competition, which begins today at the Vancouver Games.

"It's strange," Callaghan said with a smile. "Whatever comes out of my mouth should come out of his but he says so many things I totally disagree with.

"But it's fun. The more you disagree, the more you learn."

"Because I've been with him for 28 years, there's a lot of similarities," Eldredge added. "Then again, we're both individuals. We think the same on some things like movements and whatever, but there's certain things we look at in a different way, and since I've started coaching, with every kid I try to teach them within a certain range of, 'I want you to do this, but there's certain variances because they're individuals.' "

Men's overview

Callaghan: The men's event is so deep. Who it might be is a real question.

Eldredge: This year, you have the returning gold and silver medalists in Evgeni Plushenko (Russia) and Stephane Lambiel (Switzerland) and two world champions in Brian Joubert (France) and Evan Lysacek (USA).

Callaghan: The whole scoring system has changed. It has a lot of merit to it, it's good. However, judges still do give higher marks in component scores, the second mark to adjust for someone to win. It's a good system but it's still very subjective.


Callaghan: Jeremy Abbott (USA) Eldredge: Evgeni Plushenko

Callaghan: If Abbott were to skate in the Olympics the way he skated in our national championship, I think he'd be the clear-cut winner, but he's inexperienced with pressure. This is his first Olympics. He changed coaches. The new coach has helped him tremendously.

Eldredge: Plushenko really has all the tricks and he usually delivers nine out of 10 times or 10 out of 10 times. This is his third Olympics, so he also has the experience. :co_ol:


Callaghan: Plushenko Eldredge: Abbott

Callaghan: Plushenko's a strong athlete, a jumper. I hope if he deserves to win, that's great. But because he's the returning champion, I don't want to see any handicap system.

Eldredge: My dark horse is Jeremy Abbott. He is a newcomer, but he knows everything it takes to win. He has the experience to handle the Olympics, which is different than any other competition.


Callaghan, Eldredge: Daisuke Takahashi (Japan)

Callaghan: He's had an off year after being a world silver medalist two years ago. He's also had surgery on his knee. But each outing, he's getting better and better. He has the technical ability, the jumps and the spins and the artistry. If he does that, he'll be in the running with the other guys.

Eldredge: His routines are very good when structured. He's artistic and on a lot of different levels, he has the footwork and spins. They're usually very high and his connecting movements between elements are difficult.


Callaghan: Patrick Chan (Canada) is skating in Vancouver. He has the scoring system down pat. If he does his jumps with the scoring system, it's Canada, you don't know what's going to happen. The United States' Evan Lysacek usually shows up and does whatever he can do. His jumps aren't as high or he doesn't do as many jumps. He doesn't have a quad jump in his program; and if you don't, you better have everything else in order.

Eldredge: Evan is definitely a contender. He's a current world champion. He isn't overly powerful in what he delivers but he does it to the best of his ability. Joubert's got quadruple powerful jumps. The only thing holding him back is the level of his spins and leaving out a combination or not landing a jump. That's something you can't do. Lambiel is missing a triple axel for the short program so that starts him with lower base points than the other guys. He has to make up for that with combinations.

Todd Eldredge's Olympic picks
1. Evgeni Plushenko, Russia
2. Jeremy Abbott, United States
3. Daisuke Takahashi, Japan

Richard Callaghan's picks
1. Jeremy Abbott
2. Evgeni Plushenko
3. Daisuke Takahashi
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby AnyaNikolaievna » 17 Feb 2010, 02:37

I just had to share this here. Scott Hamilton just said:
"He (Plushenko) is probably the best competitor I've ever seen in men's figure skating."

"Show what you are capable of!" -- Evgeni Plushenko


"Was there ever a man who loved, who loved not at first sight?" -- Christopher Marlowe
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby cekoni » 18 Feb 2010, 11:02

Плющенко одержал победу, но пока не полную

- view video: http://www.tv100.ru/video/view/25902/
- downlaod video: http://video.tv100.ru/video/3/b/b/0ea6d ... e56bb5.mp4

90,85 - олимпийский рекорд короткой программы, который, впрочем, ничего не гарантирует Евгению Плющенко. Конкуренты слишком близко.

Американец Ляйсачек отстал на 55 сотых, японец Такахаши - ровно на 6 десятых. При этом, по мнению многих специалистов, Плющенко выглядел куда солиднее конкурентов. Блестяще исполнил сложнейший элемент - каскад 4+3. А тот же Такахаши предпочел идеально выполнить несколько простеньких дорожек. Но далеко не все согласны с тем, что судьи были сегодня предвзяты.

Алексей Урманов, олимпийский чемпион 1994 года по фигурному катанию:

«Я считаю, что судьи достаточно грамотно отработали. Объективно. Поставили фигуристов рядом. И все будет решать произвольная программа. Борьба будет интересная, как всегда в мужском одиночном катании».

Сегодня у фигуристов выходной. По мнению нашего эксперта Алексея Урманова, его Плющенко должен провести с выгодой. Для второго олимпийского «золота» Евгению необходимо спокойствие и безмятежность.

Алексей Урманов
, олимпийский чемпион 1994 года по фигурному катанию:

«В конце концов, есть же русский дом. Мы же совсем о нем забыли. Можно туда сходить, поесть красной икры. Посмотреть выступления своего любимого Димы Билана. И так далее. Это не исключено. Или просто погулять по Ванкуверу».
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby Астелла'c » 18 Feb 2010, 11:18

http://blog.sport-express.ru/users/vell ... 120992631/
Среда, 17 Февраля 2010, Елена ВАЙЦЕХОВСКАЯ

Уже на катке. Только что закончила разговаривать с Давидом Пеллетье - мыли кости всем, кому не попадя. В отношении Плющенко он сказал: "Я не вижу, каким образом он может проиграть. Вообще!" :plush45:

Разговор был в целом весьма занимательным, обязательно о нем напишу. Писать сегодня предстоит много, поэтому выпадаю временно в процесс. Удачи!
...все, что мог, сделал. Для вас, МОИ ЛЮБИМЫЕ...
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby cekoni » 18 Feb 2010, 11:37

Do you remember our friend Kiwi from Mexico, which was last summer in Mittenwald (Germany) on Plushy's summer camp? :son-ce:
Well, she is now in Vancouver and cheers for Evgeni! :ya_hoo_oo: plush48

http://evgenyplushenkodevotion.yuku.com ... tml?page=2

FORGOT to mention!!! I don't know if you knew Kiwi had a book for Evgeni, she saw him during the SP because was in the audience and he was saying very nice to all his fans and Kiwi manage to give him the book and he recognize her!!!!!
in twitter a lot of people that were in the arena said that Plushenko was very nice to anyoen who came to him while he was watching the rest of the SP.

Kiwi made her (and I helped! yay!) a book with all the comments about him from TV broadcast, I mean all she could manage though, she was short on time. and it was such a beautiful thin, I'm so happy for her.

http://evgenyplushenkodevotion.yuku.com ... -18th.html


Keep praying girls!..It works!!!

he was so amazing and then when he was waiting for the others he sat with the audience..and I just went there to give him the "book" i made for him..and Yana took them for him...Yana gave him "his" book and packed the others for Papa and David..

Plush recognized me from Germany he was "hiding" from the cameras with a scarf all around his face LOL....so he couldn't hear when i aproached. and then some said "which country are you from " and I waid Loudly "MEXICO" he turn and "nod" to them "to let me pass" (i couldn't really pass because the seats are so near ) but..he receive the books and nod again as a "thank you"
pray girls!

http://s26.photobucket.com/albums/c122/ ... ER%202010/
Kiwi ... :-):


... and her present for Plushy :plush45:

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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby cekoni » 18 Feb 2010, 12:15

http://www.ctvolympics.ca/figure-skatin ... 44593.html
The Globe and Mail, By Beverley Smith, The Globe and Mail Posted Wednesday, February 17, 2010 5:51 PM ET

Stojko: Just bring on the quads

VANCOUVER - Two-time Olympic silver medallist Elvis Stojko, always an independent thinker, sees the men's event at the Olympics just a little bit differently.

The new judging system is alienating spectators, he says. It's making everybody look the same. It's creating an all-around skater, "an all around jack of all trades with nothing else,'' he says.

And stop worrying about so many transitions, Stojko adds. Bring on the quad. Hurray for powerful, masculine skaters like Brian Joubert and Evgeni Plushenko. And that Johnny Weir guy with his fur and his flourishes who promises a "cat fight" in the men's long program Thursday night? Stojko can't relate to him.

The new judging system has also created a series of ugly spin positions, all to get extra points. And they all look the same. Stojko can't see the point. Will it attract more people into the rink? No, he says. But quads will.

"I'd like to see a really awesome sit spin with a nice position, instead of seeing - the one that bugs me - is the Smell My Foot spin,'' Stojko said. "Yeah, I'm going to smell my feet and it just looks ridiculous.''

Stojko's Smelly Foot spin is actually quite common. It's a sit spin in which a skater leans forward over his leg, nose almost touching the foot. It was a feature of many programs in the men's short program Tuesday night.

Another one that bugs Stojko but that is seen less commonly is what he calls the "See My Bum" spin. While doing it, a skater bends over forward, grabs a free leg that is outstretched to the side and rotates. In doing this, the skater's backside is upside and turning for all to see. Emmanuel Sandhu used to do this spin, which others than Stojko call the A-frame spin.

Variations of spin positions are worth points in the new judging system. But the positions aren't always pretty. "All these positions are unnatural and the spin ends up being slower,'' Stojko said.

The new complex footwork sequences get on Stojko's nerves, too. They all look the same anyway.

"You see them go down to the end,'' Stojko said. "I want to go and get a coffee and come back and they're still doing the friggin' footwork. And we get it: You can do edges. We get it.''

That brings us to the need to do quads in men's skating, according to Stojko. "Masculinity and power are the two most important things in the guy's event,'' he said. "That's what makes it exciting.

"This sport is not about being more artistic, more flamboyant and more musical. That's a highlight. It's a piece of what skating is. But if you want the meat and potatoes, you need to push the envelope all the time.''

Pushing envelopes means doing quads, says Stojko, the first man in history to land a quad jump combination. But the new system doesn't give nearly enough credit to the skater who tries to master them.

Right off the bat, Stojko says the triple Axel, also a difficult jump at 3 ½ rotations, should be worth a massive 12 points. It's currently worth 8.20. Some skaters, like Stephane Lambiel, can't master it. He does only double Axel in his short program. It has given Evan Lysacek headaches in the past, too.

And the quad? Rather than being worth 9.80, it should be worth 14 points to reflect its difficulty, Stojko says.

They're trying to say transitions are as important as a quad? Stojko scoffs. "Give me a break."

He says it's very hard work to train a quad, master it, get it into the program and get it consistently landed in a program. It comprises half the work load in training. "And that's for guys that have a good sense of jumping,'' Stojko said. "Guys that are not as good at jumping, it's going to be more of a workload.''

The quad will separate the men from the boys and men's skating has to move forward, says the Quad King. He agrees with Joubert and Plushenko, who say quads are necessary.

Joubert takes a lot of flack for his style, Stojko said, because he doesn't look as smooth. "Why does every man have to skate smooth?'' Stojko said. "I like Joubert because his movements are dynamic.''

He said he liked Evan Lysacek's style when he first saw him skate, because it was "organic and raw." Now that he's refined himself to take advantage of the new judging system, Stojko is less hooked.

He also admires Plushenko, who he says has improved since the Turin Olympics, even though he's been away from competition for 3 ½ years. He's been watching.

"He's pushing his footwork and I like it because he's in your face with it and it's dynamic,'' Stojko said.

He likes Daisuke Takahashi of Japan who is also dynamic and changes his speed, as does Joubert.

Patrick Chan? Stojko says he's a good skater, but tends to skate at the same speed. It doesn't fire up Stojko.
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby Ирина » 18 Feb 2010, 14:49

в этой статье приводятся слова Яны из ее твиттера ( http://twitter.com/yanarudkovskaya )
http://www.kleo.ru/items/news/2010/02/1 ... enko.shtml

Накануне известный продюсер прокомментировала в своем микроблоге выступление мужа в Ванкувере 16 февраля.
«Женечка выиграл короткую программу, всех тянут, кроме него», — пишет Рудковская.
Она также выразила признательность всем, кто болел и будет болеть за Евгения дальше.

«Безумно чистый и настоящий, Женька, я в тебя верю, ты-самый-самый, а еще я тебя очень люблю, и знай, тех, кто тебя любит, их миллионы, и это главное», — пишет Яна.

«Да, Женька — серьезный спортсмен, спасибо всем, кто не спал, болел, от него пламенный привет (он катается ради вас), 18 будет рубилово жесткое», — заключает Рудковская.
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby Ирина » 18 Feb 2010, 14:53

и ещё последний пост из ее твиттера


Gen`ka spokoen, nastraivaetsia. Blagodarit za poddergku!!!
( Женя спокоен,настраивается.Благодарит за поддержку) :-):
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Другие о Жене || Others about Zhenya

Postby Scarlett » 18 Feb 2010, 22:25

Давид Пеллетье: «Я вообще не вижу, каким образом Плющенко может проиграть в Ванкувере»

Олимпийский чемпион Солт-Лейк-Сити-2002 Давид Пеллетье поделился мнением о перспективах на победу Евгения Плющенко.

«Я вообще, если честно, не вижу, каким образом Плющенко может проиграть в Ванкувере. Он обожает соревноваться. Может быть, это вообще самый главный его талант. Такое ведь не скроешь: многие на соревнованиях теряются, начинают ошибаться, у Плющенко же, сколько я его помню, при виде льда и соперников всегда загорались глаза.

Помимо этого у него множество технических достоинств. Сейчас только ленивый не обсуждает, что в программе Плющенко маловато transitions, – связующих шагов, – но это лишь один компонент из пяти. Знаете, Плющенко имеет полное право встать на тумбочку, взять в руки микрофон и сказать открытым текстом: «Да у меня вообще нет никаких transitions!» Но пусть остальные сначала попробуют обыграть его по остальным составляющим.

Меня, как и многих других, весьма привлекает перспектива увидеть своими глазами, как в фигурном катании будет повторено одно из величайших достижений – одержаны две победы подряд. Другой вопрос, что меня не покидает ощущение, что и это для Плющенко не предел. Он всегда казался мне фигуристом безграничных возможностей, которые почему-то не реализовывает. Это касается как раз хореографии и постановок. Наверное, этому есть причина. Зачем пытаться сделать что-то новое, если «старое» приносит результат? Признаться, мне иногда хотелось, чтобы судьи относились к Плющенко построже. Снижали оценки за то, за что следует их снижать. Вот тогда у него наверняка появился бы стимул к разнообразию и движению вперед.

Чан? Мне хотелось бы, чтобы он показал на Играх абсолютно все, на что способен. Точно так же, как и Стефан Ламбьель, кстати. До сих пор я этого не видел. Бриан Жубер в этом аспекте мне не так интересен. Его потенциал, на мой взгляд, куда меньше. Естественно, я не сбрасываю со счетов нервы. Ведь если вспомнить Солт-Лейк и падение Плющенко в короткой программе, придется признать, что Игры очень часто бывают крайне непредсказуемы», – сказал Пеллетье «Спорт-Экспрессу».
http://www.sports.ru/others/figure-skat ... 01811.html
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