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Re: Женя и его тренер А.Н.Мишин || Evgeni and his coach Mish

Тренер Евгения Плющенко Алексей Мишин: Спину не разрежут, ногу не отпилят!
translation... :ni_zia:

Alexei Mishin: Plushenko's the spine will not be cut up, and the leg will not be cut off

The report that to the Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, in addition to removal of the meniscus, ahead and operations of disk herniation, sounded very alarming. What are the my surprise, when I called by phone Professor Mishin, and heard a cheerful voice... Alexei Nikolaevich said the following:

- Let's the fans of figure skating do not worry. Zhenya's health status is very good. We just want to get rid of the effects of old injuries. This is a prolonged return. Now everything is different, than it was before the Olympics in Vancouver. The second return of Plushenko is designed for several seasons. And to be he looked worthily during these seasons on the ice, the body should be a little repair. We had time for that, because Zhenya not participate this year on world championship. He has whole three months to recover. Next year, due to the team world championship, such a "pause" in his schedule will not be. Here we have used free time, to be - once again I emphasize - preventively eliminate his "weak points", accumulated over many years. And how could it be otherwise, if a man for twenty years, jumping complex multi-turns jumps? It would be strange, if anything would not hurt him.

- Alexei Nikolaevich, however, coming two operations ...
- I'm not sure, that there will be two. For now, we are talking only about arthroscopy: Zhenya's meniscus is splited, and we will work carefully with the German surgeons. With hernia, we will be dealing after meniscal repair. It is possible that there will be no surgery, but we will treat him with conservative treatment. So I beg you not to escalate the situation: Plushenko's the spine will not be cut up, and the leg will not be cut off. I would be very grateful, if you could write just that.

- But you will agree that 5 painkillers injections, which "raised" Zhenya' in the free program at the European Championships in Sheffield, is not associated with the image of a healthy person.
- And how could it be otherwise, if the person, I repeat again, twenty years jumping complex multi-turns jumps? It does not add to his health. In Sheffield, Plushenko looked like a cucumber, and everybody saw it. Five painkillers injections - it just seems scary. In fact, his performance did not fall under the bar "at the risk of life." We knew exactly, that his meniscus will not be blocked. So I particularly and do not worried.

- At all?
- If I started worrying about what can happen, think about the bad things, it will be passed to Zhenya. If he have the same thoughts, he would inform me. And what would be gained from it? Nothing good. And so - I was calm. And Zhenya was calm.

- And now you are calm?
- Absolutely.
by cekoni
23 Feb 2012, 06:44
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

:plush38: наверно вчерашний концерт на Дворцовой площади в Санкт-Петербурге,посвященный Дню России.

Спасибо! :plush40:
I found News video about the Day of Russia. There is Plushy poster!!! plush48

На Дворцовой площади плясали и пели допоздна
by dustman
13 Jun 2012, 19:25
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Re: Ваше творчество || Your creative works

I created letter paper, envelope and memo paper for everyone to express my gratitude. :ro_za:
Please try and use them if you like. (Cekoni, I'm sorry for the late post. Извините!)

Click here for a high-resolution file for printing. :mi_ga_et:

Please use it by cutting it out after printing out in its actual size with high resolution. :-):

I would be very happy if you liked my works.
I also made a wallpaper of "El Tango de Roxanne".

Cekoni, I'm honored that you made a splendid calendars using my wallpapers. Thanks! :plush39:
by Nikoneko
11 Jul 2012, 17:48
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Re: Контрольные прокаты || Open Test Skating - 2011, 2012

«В Сочи нам будет за кого болеть»
Заслуженный тренер России Татьяна Тарасова
"In Sochi, we will have for whom to cheer"
Honored coach of Russia, Tatiana Tarasova

... Every season is special. Because every one of them - is the levels of growth, and levels of skill. Here, in Saturday on the ice went out Zhenya Plushenko, whom I infinitely respect. Infinitely! I can say, I'm a fan of him. Now, Zhenya is already a mature master, he clearly knows what he wants. But he went out and did a quadruple Salchow! In 30th years! And two triple Axels in the bargain! I will say you exactly, if he did and a quadruple toe loop in his program, in this case, it will be possible his victory at the Olympic Games in Sochi. He's ready for this, it is visible by his body, by his attitude to the work, by sparkling in his eyes. I love look at it.
by cekoni
18 Sep 2012, 13:45
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Re: Opera On Ice - Verona, Italy 22.09.2012
by cekoni
06 Oct 2012, 22:31
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Re: Юбилейное шоу "Всего лишь 30!" || Birthday show - 07.11.

Евгений Плющенко и Стас Михайлов.Юбилей Е.Плющенко

Представление участников.Юбилей Евгения Плющенко
Финал.Юбилейное шоу Евгения Плющенко
by Sveta
08 Nov 2012, 19:13
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Re: Почему я люблю катание Жени || Why I love Plushy’s skati

The first time I saw Zhenya was on the 14th of February, 2006: men short program at the Winter Olympic Games in Turin. I was nearly 14. Until a few days before, I didn't know who was Evgeni Plushenko. I didn't know anything about figure skating, since it wasn't much popular as a sport in Italy, there were no shows and TV didn't broadcast competitions. Anyway, some days before OG a classmate of mine told me that at the Olympics there would be the one who is considered as the greatest skater in the world, a Russian guy named Evgeni Plushenko. She knew it because her best friend practised roller skating and her coach told her something about him.

So, that evening I was with my mother and we watched the competition. She went on commenting and saying how cute Stéphane was ( :sh_ок: ), and I remember that I noticed Brian Joubert at first (I thought he looked like a friend of mine, lol :hi_hi_hi: ), then I saw that tall, blonde guy I recognized as Evgeni Plushenko… and all began.
The first notes of Puccini’s Tosca resounded in the air and two seconds later I was completely enthralled by that man. Then the triple axel come, that triple axel that entered figure skating history and millions of people around the world still remember.
That black angel who flies high in the air and comes back to earth opening his wings and stealing a blue, proud glance at you.
To me he was pure charisma, some kind of gentle masculine charme. He radiated a strong grace from every single move.

This is the reason why I like Evgeni’s skating so much. His charisma. The power to build empathy between him and the audience when he skates, a connection that makes you feel as you are in that third dimension that is not the real world, or the competition or the show you’re watching, it’s the story he’s telling you.
by Holly
27 Dec 2012, 18:07
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Re: Почему я люблю катание Жени || Why I love Plushy’s skati

Oh ladies, you have captured Plushy's skating so beautifully! :plush31: A few of my favourite phrases from you all:

"I love Plushenko’s skating purely because his skating moves me in some way"
"Watching Plushy's best performances is like watching a Natural Wonder, it is easy to appreciate but hard to answer 'how and why'."
"Evgeni is able to give expression and form to all these different emotions and experiences, he has such a great range in his skating, because he has this range, all these different facets, inside him. To go out on a limb here, it's the size of his spirit. This is, perhaps, what I want to call his "connection to the truth"
"And then he started moving, and suddenly I was not tired anymore, and I didn't need to know anything about skating, or the jumps, or the scoring, or anything else, to know was someone more special than anything I had ever seen."

As for me, I first saw him during the FS of the 2002 Olympics. Weirdly enough, it wasn't mesmerization at first sight. I saw Timothy Goebel, Plushy, then Yagudin. I was impressed with all three and remember being skeptical of Plushenko before his skate. Who was this blond kid with the long nose and a loud costume? But his program (Carmen) was nearly flawless and I found myself intrigued. However, I got distracted by Yagudin's more "typical" heartthrob looks and came away from the Olympics thinking I was a Yagudin fan. A year later, I was in China visiting relatives and skating was on TV. This beautiful sleek blond Russian glided onto the ice and I recognized him as the eye-catching kid from Salt Lake City. I pointed him out to my dad who commented, "wow, he's lethal like a stealth missile." And that was when it clicked. There was this aura about him. He hadn't even begun skating and you could feel his mood wash over every viewer. There was something magnetic about him - you wanted to watch him, you wanted to feel what he felt, and through him, you felt connected to something altogether bigger than either yourself, the rest of the audience or him. It's this fusion of truth, spontaneity, emotion and charisma that you've all mentioned. I feel that there's something elemental about Plushy's skating. When he takes the ice he IS the ice, but he is also a man and he is himself. He's not trying to dazzle with technique or artistry...he's a channel for truth - the truth about emotions, about the ice, about the human spirit and about Plushenko.
by Jia Jia
28 Dec 2012, 11:05
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Re: Юбилейное шоу "Всего лишь 30!" || Birthday show - 07.11.

Ирин, я очень надеюсь :mi_ga_et: , что ты хотела сказать о том, что Плющата просто очень талантливые и везучие :a_g_a: , поэтому выигрывают :plush45: . А не потому, что они фан-клуб Жени и поэтому у них в некотором роде блат :hi_hi_hi: :-) .

естественно я про талант и про то,что с любовью могут сочинить только истинные фанаты :plush32: .А про блат :kli_ny: я даже и не подумала..Какой там может быть блат :ne_vi_del:
И фан-клуба у нас никакого нет :ne_vi_del: Тот ,что вела Дерзанова,давно не работает,не существует :plush35:

Как это нет фан-клуба :plush30: ? А Плющата тогда кто :plush38: ? Разве мы не достойны называться ФАН-клубом? Мы ж тут все :plush32: :plush32: :plush32: :plush32: Да мы ещё круче всех Фан-клубов вместе взятых :a_g_a: !!!
by lёle4ka
04 Jan 2013, 00:46
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Re: Чемпионат России 2013|| Russian Nationals 2013, 24-28.12

Интервью Мишина об итогах ЧР 2013

О Жене:

Q: How can Zhenia Plushenko each time pull himself together and perform the way he does in spite of injury problems?

A: It is also my credit that Zhenia skates well and correctly executes the jumps, because I taught him the right technique. If his technique wouldn't have been right, he could not have returned. Those, who don't have the right technique need to pull everything together in order to perform wella and then they leave. But it is not my credit that Zhenia is able to pull himself together so heroically, this is thanks to his mother and father who gave him this talent of a fighter.

Как Жене удается брать себя в руки (мотивировать себя) и так кататься, несмотря на проблемы с травмами?

Это также моя заслуга, что он катается хорошо, и правильно выполняет прыжки, потому что я поставил ему правильную технику. Если бы техника была неправильной, он бы не смог вернуться. Тем фигуристам, у которых неправильная техника, надо повторять все сначала. Чтобы кататься хорошо после ухода. Но это не моя заслуга, что Женя может так героически собираться, это заслуга его отца и матери, от которых он унаследовал талант борца.
by Вера
13 Jan 2013, 17:12
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2013 || European Championships 2013

So, I am traveling tomorow to Zagreb whole day with train ... please, girls - post any news etc... :plush39:

I will write from Zagreb if i have news and good internet :plush47: GO PLUSHY! plush48
by cekoni
20 Jan 2013, 01:39
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2013 || European Championships 2013

Pics of today's practice

Фигурное катание. Чемпионат Европы. Тренировки
by dustman
23 Jan 2013, 19:34
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2013 || European Championships 2013

More homevideos...

Euros 2013 Plushenko warm up before SP:

Euros 2013 Plushenko kiss&cry SP:

Euros 2013 Lutai & Rudkovskaya, Vasiliev:


My homevideo from training 24.01. will be for 2 hours uploaded.... i hope :plush47:

Evgeni Plushenko - practice 24.01.2013, Zagreb (Euro):
by cekoni
25 Jan 2013, 15:54
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2013 || European Championships 2013

Zhenya, I do hope you won't rush your recovery. Please don't strain yourself. :plush47:
I pray for your health and success from the heart once, now and forever.

I dedicate this poetry to our King.


I wish for you...

Comfort on difficult days, 

Smiles when sadness intrudes, 

Rainbows to follow the clouds, 

Laughter to kiss your lips, 

Sunsets to warm your heart, 

Gentle hugs when spirits sag, 

Friendships to brighten your being, 

Beauty for your eyes to see, 

Confidence for when you doubt, 

Faith so that you can believe, 

Courage to know yourself, 

Patience to accept the truth, 

And love to complete your life. 


"抱 擁"















by Nikoneko
26 Jan 2013, 06:15
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2013 || European Championships 2013

some photo I made when Plushy was back to K&C:

long distance shot so not so clear. He was a bit upset, but in general calm.
by lovplush
26 Jan 2013, 13:27
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Re: Ваше творчество || Your creative works


These are the new banners for Chinese site and forum. Pray for Plushy :plush47: :plush47:
by lovplush
31 Jan 2013, 02:15
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Re: Женя на тренировках || Evgeni on training

few photos been added.

Alexey Mishin's FS camp in Pinzolo 2012

Alexey Mishin's FS camp in Tartu 2012
by dustman
18 Jan 2013, 15:30
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Re: Женя “вне льда” (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice

it seems that Plushy is better... :plush45:

@Hoodyakov: (Number one music video director in Europe.Russia)

Shooting Mercedes AMG commercial. #AMG #MERCEDES #PLUSHENKO @ Mercedes-Benz Rus

He have more photos.


Is he champion Alexei Nemov of gymnastics?
by dustman
04 Mar 2013, 14:04
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Re: Женя “вне льда” (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice

it seems that Plushy is better... :plush45:

@Hoodyakov: (Number one music video director in Europe.Russia)

Shooting Mercedes AMG commercial. #AMG #MERCEDES #PLUSHENKO @ Mercedes-Benz Rus
by cekoni
03 Mar 2013, 21:49
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Re: Ваше творчество || Your creative works

Plushy's most dangerous "weapon" is still his skates! :plush41: :du_el:
Yes, but he sometimes uses his skates instead of an apple peeler. :hi_hi_hi:

Zhenya, please take your time and recover fully though we know how anxious you must be to get back.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. :chir_lider: :chir_lider: :chir_lider: :chir_lider: :chir_lider:
by Nikoneko
05 Mar 2013, 17:28
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