Тренер Евгения Плющенко Алексей Мишин: Спину не разрежут, ногу не отпилят!
translation... :ni_zia:
Alexei Mishin: Plushenko's the spine will not be cut up, and the leg will not be cut off
The report that to the Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, in addition to removal of the meniscus, ahead and operations of disk herniation, sounded very alarming. What are the my surprise, when I called by phone Professor Mishin, and heard a cheerful voice... Alexei Nikolaevich said the following:
- Let's the fans of figure skating do not worry. Zhenya's health status is very good. We just want to get rid of the effects of old injuries. This is a prolonged return. Now everything is different, than it was before the Olympics in Vancouver. The second return of Plushenko is designed for several seasons. And to be he looked worthily during these seasons on the ice, the body should be a little repair. We had time for that, because Zhenya not participate this year on world championship. He has whole three months to recover. Next year, due to the team world championship, such a "pause" in his schedule will not be. Here we have used free time, to be - once again I emphasize - preventively eliminate his "weak points", accumulated over many years. And how could it be otherwise, if a man for twenty years, jumping complex multi-turns jumps? It would be strange, if anything would not hurt him.
- Alexei Nikolaevich, however, coming two operations ...
- I'm not sure, that there will be two. For now, we are talking only about arthroscopy: Zhenya's meniscus is splited, and we will work carefully with the German surgeons. With hernia, we will be dealing after meniscal repair. It is possible that there will be no surgery, but we will treat him with conservative treatment. So I beg you not to escalate the situation: Plushenko's the spine will not be cut up, and the leg will not be cut off. I would be very grateful, if you could write just that.
- But you will agree that 5 painkillers injections, which "raised" Zhenya' in the free program at the European Championships in Sheffield, is not associated with the image of a healthy person.
- And how could it be otherwise, if the person, I repeat again, twenty years jumping complex multi-turns jumps? It does not add to his health. In Sheffield, Plushenko looked like a cucumber, and everybody saw it. Five painkillers injections - it just seems scary. In fact, his performance did not fall under the bar "at the risk of life." We knew exactly, that his meniscus will not be blocked. So I particularly and do not worried.
- At all?
- If I started worrying about what can happen, think about the bad things, it will be passed to Zhenya. If he have the same thoughts, he would inform me. And what would be gained from it? Nothing good. And so - I was calm. And Zhenya was calm.
- And now you are calm?
- Absolutely.