Can someone to translate? :plush39:
Евгений Плющенко: «Если уж влез в драку, надо бороться до конца»
Google translation. Not sure how accurate it might be. Hope it's helpful.
Evgeni Plushenko, "If I got into a fight must be fought to the end"
Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko after the short program at the European Championships (84.71 points) spoke about the hire and injury knee, received yesterday at the workout, the correspondent Svetlana Veklitseva.
- What are your impressions after rolling the short program?
- In general I'm satisfied. Yes, without a quad would be very difficult to win, but yesterday in training, I suffered a knee injury less than a day was made five shots, so do not even attempted to jump a quad or in the morning workout, either in the short program.
Could theoretically jump, yes, but then it would simply not reached the end of the program, as would two or three minutes to stand still, that the pain was gone. There was even a question of whether to withdraw from the European Championship, but if they got into a fight, you have to fight to the end. At least so.
- What motivates you to continue to ride?
- Only Game in 2014 , the home Olympics. I want to get on the podium in Sochi, it would have been the main point of my career. No financial incentives or any other does not.
- In this championship you compete more with each other or with competitors?
- I am no longer a struggle with rivals. Of course, the competition is, all the guys are very young, very much increased, and I'm trying to reach them. But fighting in the first place with him, with his injuries.
- Plan to continue the treatment?
- After the European Championships I will do the operation. There is a crack, meniscus injury, it should be removed. Therefore, this championship, I'll dokatyvat? like this, well, next season - that's another story - told Plushenko.