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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

And I see that Madam E. V. is working her hardest...After all that they have done, these people dare to speak of "principles of sport"? :plush43:

It is important to point of that Evgeni's new interview is not some "sudden change of mind". It is in fact the same as what he has said in other interviews after RN, as soon as he found out about the real rules.

I'll be honest. A part of me wishes that Evgeni would simply speak out about everything that really happened, and is happening. Even though I know that's not possible now.
by whitebamboo
12 Jan 2014, 00:20
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Из уважения к великому спортсмену мы даем ему еще одну возможность.

I've been thinking about this quote from Gorshkov a little more, and if he really said it in this way, I do not like it. I know that the article is written by Madam E. V. and that maybe I am reading too much into phrases of speech...

I mean, what is "out of respect for the great athlete" and "give him another chance"? The motive should be to determine what would be the best for Russia's results at Sochi. But this sentence reminds me of things the FFKKR said during the disqualification time. It seems to suggest that "we are doing enough for him, special treatments, so whatever happens, it's his fault"...And this "another chance" is the closed test skate, with only the expert group (led by Gorshkov) to see. The public will only have their words for how he skated. I know Gorshkov said other things that may seem like "justifications" on Evgeni's side, but we know those are just surface words.

I've thought that the FFKKR would need to have some consideration for the results at Sochi, and that if things don't go their way, they would have to fear some consequences, and that maybe public opinion will turn against them. But now I think maybe they don't even care about that. As long as they can create an impression that the choice of Kovtun is "reasonable" and "the only choice" somehow, they can still shift the blame onto Evgeni.

It is true that Evgeni lost the RN, but they are doing a lot else to create this impression. This is why they are working so hard to discredit him, trying to create the false impression that he had given up at first, and then "suddenly changed his mind"...That way, even if Evgeni chooses to speak up and tell of everything that really went on, they might make people disbelieve him.

(I am sorry for being rather pessimistic right now. Maybe I read tea leaves too much.)


Nevertheless, Evgeni needs to be careful of himself when he goes to the test skate. And they need to find a way to have it recorded somehow.
by whitebamboo
13 Jan 2014, 18:49
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Thank you for what you tell me, Cekoni! I am perhaps going through about three changes of feelings every day...All I hope, is that this "test skating" is for real--that they will indeed look at how Evgeni skates and consider it.

I don't know how the general public in Russia think right now. It seems to me that the media has many people against Evgeni. I don't know what the FFKKR wants, whether they have any actual interest in how Russia does in the Olympics.

I saw people talk about how it's some kind of "closed skating"--and argue against Evgeni that way, but I want to mention that at least Mishin said that he did not mind it if it were open to people. It is Piseev who said that it will be closed.
by whitebamboo
14 Jan 2014, 01:52
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Дискуссия || Discussion

I really feel I should have done this earlier, but I went back and put together some links and quotes from various people, in a slightly more organized way, which, I think, tells the story more clearly. These are all published information--all anyone needed to do was to look.

This will be a little long, but by no means everything. But I think someone unbiased will probably get a good idea of what happened. It will be in four parts.

Part 1. Plans to switch skaters between the team and individual competitions at Sochi

Earlier this season, there were talk in Russian media that the Russian Skating Federation (FFKKR) was seeking a "rule clarification" from the ISU and the IOC regarding alternate skaters in the case when there is only one entry. In November, it is said that this issue has been solved.

a. Tatiana Tarasova interview, Oct. 5:
Most of the interview, on the surface, was in support of Plushenko, saying that as long as his health permits, his participation in Sochi is "out of question". But in the last paragraph, she mentioned her own student Kovtun:
And maybe to participate in the Olympics , because not yet responded - maybe one will play the same program , and the other - on the other. Regulation is not prohibited , but still do not have permission to do so " - said Tarasova .
(I am afraid many of these quotes will be google translation, but I think they are clear enough.)

b. interview by Alexander Lakernik, vice president of the FFKKR, regarding the "rule clarification" that the FFKKR was seeking, Nov. 8
Here, Lakernik clarifies that if Russia's only men's singles skater is injured or ill after the SP, or after both programs of the team competition, and must withdraw, then an alternate skater can be brought in to compete.

c. Brief interview by Valentin Piseyev, general director of the FFKKR, regarding the rule clarification, Nov. 19
Piseyev says that although the documents have not been received yet, the FFKKR is confident that the matter has been resolved. In particular:
" Thus, we can put the team competition after spare skaters in individual tournament ," - said General Director FFKKR .

Note: At this point, I want to mention that as far as I could see, only Lakernik spoke about the fact that the rule clarification is for the situation when the original skater has to withdraw due to injury or illness. Another point is that as far as I know, before the RN, neither Plushenko nor his team has ever commented on or mentioned this proposed rule clarification.

d. Immediately, the following conversation on Twitter arose (Nov. 19) among the following sport journalists in Russia. David Nowak, at the time, was the head of RiaNovosti's English language sports wire service, James Ellingworth is a Moscow-based reporter for the same agency, and Andrei Simonenko is of It is not too much to call them Plushenko haters.
We've discussed this Twitter convesation before. I find it difficult to summarize their words, but roughly speaking, their idea (which they claim to have "heard from sources" was that Plushenko would not go to RN or Euros, skate only the SP of the team competition, then withdraw so that Kovtun will skate the rest, including the individual competition. They make it sound like this is what Plushenko himself wanted.

e. Now, fast foward to after Plushenko lost the LP at Russian Nationals. This is also something I've already posted about, but on Dec. 26, Nick Zaccardi of NBC had this to say in his reporting of the situation:
This very issue was presented to the International Skating Union in an email last month when reports first surfaced that Plushenko might only want to do the team event.

Note: Again, what Zaccardi heard was that to skate only the team competition was Plushenko's own idea, which suggests that perhaps the whole work of the FFKKR to seek the rule clarification was, in fact for his benefit. But now as we know, Plushenko had the wrong understanding of this "rule clarification", and the only times when he ever talked about skating only the team competition was when he was under this wrong impression (more about this in Part 2). Hence, is this rumor that "Plushenko might only want to do the team event" logical? Could it have come from Plushenko himself, or his team?

If that seems unlikely, then where did it come from?

f. Finally, one more North American media report after RN, on the situation, which quoted Piseyev again. The report was dated Dec. 30, but Piseyev's words were probably a few days earlier:
"The final decision on who will be the main representative at Sochi and who will be the reserve will be taken after the European championships," Piseyev said.
"Making the decision, we shall also take into consideration the fact that we will be unable to make any substitutions in the men's sections of the team tournament and our skater would have to perform in both short and free skating.

"Otherwise our team will suffer a serious points loss."

Note: Note this statement about "taking into consideration" that no substitutions can be made between the SP and the LP of the team event. If the rule clarification was truly for the contingency of injury, what would be done if the skater gets injured after the SP?

Again, this is not a complete list, but I think at this point, it is fairly clear that the intents of certain people, in particular including Tarasova and Piseyev, were to play the rules by putting one skater--namely, Plushenko--in the team event, and another (Kovtun) in the individual event. The fact that this would require Plushenko to be conveniently "injured" after the team competition does not appear to bother them at all. Further, there are attempts to make it look like this is what Plushenko himself wanted.


(I'll be back with the next parts in a little while)
by whitebamboo
15 Jan 2014, 23:56
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Re: Общая дискуссия о Жене || General discussion about Evgen

These are some things I've gathered together...Again, by no means complete, but a picture emerges. Now I want to say a little more of my own feelings--though maybe not all fans will agree with me. I want to give another quote from Plushenko's Jan. 9 interview:
The question who will defend the honor of Russia at the Olympics in Sochi is the prerogative of the President of the Figure Skating Federation of Russia Aleksandr Gorshkov and the General Director Valentin Piseyev.

That's the phrase he used. "Defend the honor of Russia".

The plan of Tarasova and Piseyev--if it comes true--will bring dishonor on Russia. And it has nothing to do with how Plushenko or Kovtun may skate. The Olympics are not like other competitions. The athletes swear an oath at the opening ceremony to abide by the rules, to commit themselves "for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams". And by this, it means not only the letter of the rules, but the spirit as well. The eyes of the world will be focused on Sochi, and on Russia. For a Russian athlete--especially Evgeni Plushenko, a symbol of Russian figure skating--to withdraw after the team event, pretending to some convenient injury, so that another skater can be switched in, taking advantage of the rules: this would be a scandal.

I am not Russian and I cannot truly gauge how the Russian public is thinking now. However, I also know that the country has put a great deal of investment and hopes in these upcoming Winter Olympics. In the latest opinion poll, 78% of Russians polled said that they will watch the Olympics, and 9% named Evgeni Plushenko as their "face of Sochi", the one whom they anticipate the most. What will these ordinary Russians think if the plan comes real, when Plushenko would be branded a coward, and Russia a cheater?

I know that Plushenko and his team cannot speak about this now. But they don't have to. The originators of the plan have said enough themselves. They have incriminated themselves plenty. Very briefly, they might have trapped him into their scheme through their falsehoods, but he took his stand against them as soon as he learned the truth.

I know that a lot of Plushenko fans have been worried, maybe confused, in the past weeks. I know I have been. But putting these links and quotes together, I found myself gaining spirit. I am posting this because I'm a Plushenko fan, but now I think, maybe it isn't just about him anymore, but also about those 9% of Russians, more generally, those 78%.

That's a lot of people and these are big words, but I will be audacious. Now I think they deserve to know. I think they should know.

I think the Russian public deserves, and has a right to know. It has a right to know who put their small selfish interests ahead of the country, and who remained loyal and steadfast in the face of adversity. He has already defended Russia's honor, and in doing so, he put his dream of standing once more on Olympic ice at risk. This is a dream for which he has fought, suffered, and tortured himself these past four years. To defend the nation's honor, one must possess it in one's self.

Evgeni Plushenko is, truly, Russia's treasure and hero. I hope this fact will be fully acknowledged--at Sochi.
by whitebamboo
16 Jan 2014, 01:43
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Re: Общая дискуссия о Жене || General discussion about Evgen

Thank you for the additions, dear Cekoni! :plush39: :plush39:


Part 2. Plushenko's statment after the Russian Nationals LP

Of course, we know that at this RN, Plushenko skated his LP in a way was not himself. As a fan, there is no need to look for excuses, and he himself in interviews afterwards has always looked for reasons in himself and his own training. Nevertheless, it is perhaps true that the pressure upon him around this RN was perhaps far greater than what outsiders could have imagined beforehand.

The main point is that when he made that statement, he was under the false impression that Russian could now put up one skater for the team competition, and another one for the individual event, without any need for the first skater to withdraw due to injury.

a. The exact context of what Plushenko said: this was immediately after his own LP, in the mixed zone, and in reply to a question that asked him, directly, to choose:
- Eugene, you said that you miss the European Championship. And what a select tournament at the Olympic Games - Team or individual?
- In Europe, I did not go - in any case. And at the Olympics, I think, choose a team tournament, and a young and promising athletes give individual competitions. I argue sensibly and adequately assess all - I would rather speak to the team competition, in which the Russian team can count on gold!

b. After this, Tatjana Flade of the IFS Magazine, who is well-know and very credible, spoke to him, and found out that he was wrong about the rules.
This is the relevant part of what she wrote on FSU:
About the team event/individual event, he said he thought one skater can do the team and one skater can do the individual event. I explained that this is not possible. He then said he thinks he could do both events as there is enough time in between to recover. He also said it will be whatever the Federation decides and he doesn't want to comment on who should be selected for the Games.

Note: At this point, one cannot help but ask, how can such a question-and-answer arise, especially as Plushenko knew the rule clarification incorrectly.

c. Now, I want to quote the responses of Piseyev to this statement. Here is his first reaction, soon after:
"It talks about his patriotic feelings, because he wants to serve primarily not for himself but for the team, and such initiatives should be supported. I totally on his side and I think that's a fair statement," - said Piseyev phone.
"He understands that in the individual form will be much more competitors than in the command - added Piseyev.

d. But a little later, Piseyev gave a different response:
(just to mention, the reporter who wrote this was Andrei Simonenko, one of the participants of the Twitter conversation shown in Part 1 above)
" Not all athletes know exactly the rules. Eugene said it on emotions - Piseyev said in a conversation with reporters . - Yes, Plushenko wants to participate in the Olympic Games , team competitions are held for the first time , he wants to speak to them. All that will happen will be depend on his health . "

e. And finally, Piseyev's third reaction, on Dec. 26, and perhaps the most blatant one:
- Indeed , the prospects are not very promising Eugene , because the light of recent unsuccessful performances Russian figure skaters at the tournament from our country can be declared only one party - told " Izvestia" CEO Russian Figure Skating Federation Valentin Piseyev . - In any case, despite the statements of Plushenko , I would not finally put an end to his ability to perform in Sochi.
- If you do not perform in Eugene individual tournament , he will still remain chances to participate in the team competition - said Piseyev . - This may Occur if an athlete , acting individually , receive damage. This will allow for a substitution in the composition.
(my bold here, if I understand the translation correctly)

At this point, perhaps one can form some educated guesses about what Piseyev wanted from Plushenko, if he wanted to compete in Sochi.
by whitebamboo
16 Jan 2014, 01:18
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Re: Общая дискуссия о Жене || General discussion about Evgen

Part 3: On the European Championships

We don't have as much information about the European Championships, and there are contradictions among them. I hope that one day things will be clearer. For now, I will just list what were said.

a. The first hint that Plushenko would not go to the Euros was actually not from his side, but from Kovtun's coach, Elena Buryanova, in this interview between the SP and the LP:
- How do you feel about gossip that Plushenko can not go to the European Championship?
- This is a private matter of each athlete. Especially such as Eugene. He decides where he wants to go. This is absolutely normal. As a coach, I assumed that he would not go to Europe. It is logical.

b. Even Mishin did not want to sound so certain at that point. Again, after the SP:
- Will Jack participate in the European Championship?
- We'll make a decision, take counsel with the Figure Skating Federation, the Ministry of Sports.

c. Now Plushenko, in the same response to the question quoted about in 2a above, said that he was not going to the Euros. Again, this was immediately after his LP. I want to remind people that at that moment, he was still under the incorrect understanding of the rule clarification.

d. However, the following report of the press conference, soon after:
The 31-year-old noted that he didn’t plan to go to Europeans, but might reconsider now.

e. But in the same reaction quoted above in 2d, Piseyev confirms that Plushenko is not going to the Euros (this is before the coaches' council meeting that would determine the Euros team):
In this Piseev confirmed that at the European Championships Plushenko will not act. "At the European Championships him, I believe, do nothing. He just may not have enough forces," - said General Director FFKKR.

Note: Now, it is understandable that if Plushenko had won RN, he might skip the Euros. But even if this were their plans, given the situation, I would have thought that the normal response of those not on his team would be to expect him and Mishin to reconsider the situation, and to wait for their final decision. Why is Piseyev so quick to decide whether Plushenko will have "enough forces" to do well at Euros?

g. And then, the list for the Euros came out, Plushenko's name was not on it. This was after the coaches' council meeting on the morning of the 27th. This is what Mishin said, that Plushenko was "released" from participation at the Euros at his own request:
- Do you agree with this decision? Do you think it's right?
- Yes, I think it is absolutely correct. This decision was made at my request. The Board agreed with my arguments that the preparations for the season started late, now we will work to increase endurance, making long test skatings, primarily Free.

h. However, even after the list had appeared without him, later that day at the awards ceremony, in front of a large number of Russian media (including television), he said that he "did not rule out" going to the Euros:
And quoting the following report:
- What will happen next ? - Asked Evgeni Plushenko . - We will continue to prepare - it is possible that even the European Championships .
- Why change your mind ? Indeed, after rolling , you said that will not go to Hungary under any circumstances .
- In fact , I just went to the gym today , and evaluate their strength , I thought , why not try to prepare for the European Championships ? Why not laminate once again , do check yourself and your program? So now start to prepare , see how it goes and make a decision later (smiles).

g. Nevertheless, of course the list by that time was already decided upon. Another interview on Plushenko's part a little later that night:
I find this quote interesting, when he was asked about this issue:
I do not take something that is not - I just relinquished the European Championship.

Here, one cannot seem to say much with certainty about the decision not to go to Euros, given the contradictions in the information. However, it does seem that the decision was made before RN, and that it was not an "impulsive" statement after the LP on Plushenko's part, as some Russian media suggest. Afterwards, it seems that at least some reconsideration was made on his part. I very much hope that one day, more about this situation will be made public.
by whitebamboo
16 Jan 2014, 01:23
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Re: Общая дискуссия о Жене || General discussion about Evgen

Part 4. Plushenko's position

From the first three parts, perhaps an idea of Plushenko's current situation can be deduced. And in this situation, here is what he has said.

a. Firstly, I again refer to Tatjana Flade's post, quoted in 2b above. I will quote again a part of it:
I explained that this is not possible. He then said he thinks he could do both events as there is enough time in between to recover.

As soon as he learned the truth about the rule clarification, he put the idea of skating only the team competition out of his mind.

b. He reiterates his intention to skate both the team and the individual events, if chosen, when asked about it in this Dec. 27 interview: [url][/url]
- I tuned ride and team and individual tournament . Do not worry , stand ! I happened in the finals of the Grand Prix ride and two programs per day , there was a time when we rolled three programs , and two of them - in one day. And nothing , you know.

c. And in this much-reported interview on Jan. 9, once more, he repeats the same intention:
- Are you afraid that the Figure Skating Federation of Russia simply won't give you the Olympic spot?
— I'm not afraid. Moreover, I am going to take part not only in the Team event but in the individual competitions as well.

The full English translation of this interview is here:

Note: The main point is this: as soon as he learned the truth, Plushenko immediately and categorically rejected the plan of him skating only the team competition. He has maintained the same position consistently ever since. Please, consider this in the context of what I have quoted above, especially in the context of Piseyev's words quoted in 2e.

d. This interview from Jan. 9 was much reported, such as the in the following AFP article:
Note the title: Russia figure skater Plushenko changes mind, demands Sochi place
In the first sentence, it claims that Plushenko "has done an about-turn", which as should be clear from 4a, 4b, and 4c above, is false.

Another factually false statement from this AFP article:
International Skating Union (ISU) regulations state clearly that each country's winner of the Olympic qualification tournament-- in this case the Russian national championships -- should represent the country at the Games.

For anyone remotely familiar with figure skating, there needs to be no comment on this statement.

e. A reaction to Plushenko's interview from Tatiana Tarasova:
At the recent Russian national championship in figure skating, the results of which formed the national team in the sport, the Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko of Turin took second place. This means that the only permit that was in Russia in the men's figure skating, went not to him but to the young Maxim Kovtun, winning the Russian championship. However, two weeks after the championship Evgeni Plushenko announced his possible participation in the Olympic Games in Sochi.

Please compare with 4d above. Now, finally, I will say something that is my own opinion: I do not believe for a second that Tarasova is unaware of what Plushenko has said and not said since the Russian Nationals. I believe that she knows perfectly well the fact that he had never for a instant suggested that he would give up on Sochi, in any way, shape, or form.

f. Finally, one more thing. It has been decided that Plushenko will have a special "test skate" in Novogorsk near Moscow, on Jan. 21, with only him skating, and only FFKKR's expert panel in attendence:
This is what Mishin had to say about it:
I can not say, whether it will be open to all. But the "show" in this case is unacceptable. However, I'm not against it, that people can see his skating.
Mishin is not afraid of this test skate to be seen by the public. However, Piseyev said it will be a closed test:
General Director of Russian Federation of figure skating Valentin Piseev said that "control skating" will be closed, it will be only for the "expert group".
by whitebamboo
16 Jan 2014, 01:29
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

I realized that I don't care how Kovtun does at the Euros anymore...I just pray that Evgeni will be able to skate his best on the 21st, no matter what happens after. :plush47: :plush47: :plush47:

I don't know what to think about Gorshkov's statement about the control skate being closed, he seems to be saying it's to avoid more "excitement" and more pressure on Evgeni. But Mishin has said that he didn't mind it being seen by others (also "not sure if there will be press"), and Evgeni said in the Jan. 9 interview that the "fuss" works in his favor... :plush38:
by whitebamboo
16 Jan 2014, 18:49
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Control skating of Evgeni Plushenko before the Olympics in Sochi will be held January 21

... Athlete's coach Alexei Mishin :

"Control skating be held at the training center Novogorsk. I can not say, whether it will be open to all. But the "show" in this case is unacceptable. However, I'm not against it, that people can see his skating."

By the coach, Plushenko is currently in St. Petersburg: "We parted literally two hours ago after a training. We plan our arrival in Novogorsk January 19. The next day will be hold training, and on Tuesday, January 21, will be held control skating."

General Director of Russian Federation of figure skating Valentin Piseev said that "control skating" will be closed, it will be only for the "expert group".

I am praying... :plush47: :plush47: :plush47:

Maybe I am reading too much into things again, but I notice that Mishin says that he is not against people seeing it, while Piseev appears to be the one who seems to want it to be closed...
by whitebamboo
11 Jan 2014, 20:28
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Re: Дискуссия || Discussion

Part 1. Plans to switch skaters between the team and individual competitions at Sochi

a. Tatiana Tarasova interview, Oct. 5:
Most of the interview, on the surface, was in support of Plushenko, saying that as long as his health permits, his participation in Sochi is "out of question". But in the last paragraph, she mentioned her own student Kovtun:
And maybe to participate in the Olympics , because not yet responded - maybe one will play the same program , and the other - on the other. Regulation is not prohibited , but still do not have permission to do so " - said Tarasova .
Yes, TAT mentioned this few times in more interviews - she even be "offended", when someone had asked her how this is possible, she said: "Do not you worry about it, I should know more!"
TAT repeated this almost whole october and part of november.... when I think more now about it :du_ma_et: - when she found out that it cant be - she changed the tone of speech and start to pushing Kovtun :plush34:

I have been thinking about what you tell me a little more...Yes, indeed. After Plushy lost the LP at the Russian Nationals, I think what Piseyev's said in reaction to Plushy's words suggest that they thought they had succeeded. But after Plushy made it clear, after he learned about the real rules, that he would not be part of their game, Tarasova changed her tune.

d. Immediately, the following conversation on Twitter arose (Nov. 19) among the following sport journalists in Russia.

Not just this - those Russian journalists were first, which "informed" at twitter western journalists about the rumors - Nick Zaccardi, Philip Hersh and others.... only then began to appear articles in the west press - as it is Plushy's idea or "secret deal" Russ.Skat.Federation with him, even before Plushy said anything about it...
If I remember correctly - western journalist mentioned some mail, which was regading this sent to ISU? :plush38: (again about "Plushy's case") :kli_ny:
Also, even and president of the American skating Federation was talking about it.... :ps_ih:

P.S. obvious example, how much damage (to Russian skating, in general), just in 2 months can to produce suddenly awakened unsatiated the desire for quick success one "ambitious" coach :ze_le_ny:

Yes, the mention of the "email" was in Zaccardi's Dec. 26 article.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that what makes me angriest about their scheme is that I believe they wanted to make it look like what Plushy himself wanted. They spread false rumors ahead of time, when the FFKKR was seeking that "rule modification" from the ISU. Of course, we don't know anything about that email, but the way Zaccardi said it (of course, we are also not sure of how much he heard), I even wonder they falsely used Plushy's name when talking to the ISU.

And if one looks at Piseyev's reaction to Plushy's words from Dec. 26 (item 2e in my next post), when he talks openly about Plushy skating only the team competition, he said that this would be possible "if an athlete , acting individually , receive damage". In other words, it is their plan, but they wanted to push the responsibility and the blame onto Evgeni if it actually comes true.

And if you look at another statement of Piseyev's (item 2c below) after Plushy's words: "he understands that in the individual form will be much more competitors than in the command ". I can guess at what they will say if Plushy does what they wanted and withdraws after the team competition at Sochi. They are going to say that it is because Plushy does not have enough courage to fight with Hanyu and Chan and the other competitors in the individual competition, and therefore he just wanted to gain another medal, the team one, on the strength of the other Russian competitors like V/T and Julia, etc...They want to absolve themselves of all blame, hide the fact that it was their plan, and push the scandal onto Plushy's shoulders. The false rumors they spread ahead of time would set up for it.

This is what makes me more furious, the more I think about it. It's even more than them scheming to take the Olympic spot using underhanded means. They wanted to ruin his name and honor in order to do it: it was part of their plan. It disgusts me.
by whitebamboo
18 Jan 2014, 20:32
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news


If you know what is "spinning", you will understand all this :kli_ny: :ps_ih: ... and i'm quite tired of all this "bidding" - we must just wait 21/22/23.02... :plush34:

I, too, am quite tired of certain people's "performances"! :plush43:

For now, I only pray for that the test skate on the 21st goes well... :plush47: :plush47: :plush47:
by whitebamboo
20 Jan 2014, 00:12
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Apparently, some people simply will not change... :ps_ih:

But I don't care what they say now, not anymore. What is important is that Evgeni stays in good condition for Sochi.

And I also wanted to say, thank you to all the wonderful fans here--especially you, dear Cekoni--who kept our hope up during the difficult time!
by whitebamboo
27 Jan 2014, 02:12
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

This article i do not want even nor comment, how is full of arbitrary conclusions and personal qualifications :kli_ny: :ps_ih: .... Also, I do not think that all Johnny's words are really his :plush34:

Plushenko eager to upstage Chan, silence critics:

It's cold war mentality, pure and simple--and of course, the North American press's old standard tricks. I think we will be seeing a lot more of this in the coming weeks.

Plushy is not only Russian, but a proud Russian. He is, in some ways, a symbol of Russia. IMHO, that is the real reason behind all these distortions and lies. In some ways, I think, the mentality behind it goes beyond figure skating. For some of these journalists, they simply cannot see or portray him as the person he really is. It would not fit their worldview.
by whitebamboo
28 Jan 2014, 04:30
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

A Chinese People's Daily article from Jan. 30:

Plushy didn't talk too much about himself, but said a lot of very nice things about Chinese skaters, including his friends Shen/Zhao (mentioning his participation at their on-ice wedding in 2010) and Pang/Tong. He also said that when he comes to China, he is always very moved by the Chinese fans, who even made an "official fan club" for him :plush45: :hi_hi_hi:

Also, he hopes that in the future, it will be possible to invite young Chinese skaters to train in Russia. And of course, Chinese New Year's greetings to skating fans in China! :plush31:
by whitebamboo
31 Jan 2014, 19:04
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Re: Пресса & Новости о Жене || Press & News about Plushy

Дорогие форумчане! Все админы уезжают в Сочи! Будем очень благодарны за помощь в обновлении форума ! Ведите себя хорошо!)) Пока! Всем удачи!
Dear friends! All administrators leave for Sochi! We will be very grateful for your help in updating the forum! Be good!)) Bye! Good luck to everyone, and especially to Zhenya!!! See you in Sochi!
plush48 :plush17: :plush1: :plush10: :plush11: :plush14:

Have fun, dear girls! Please shout and cheer for our Zhenya as loud as you can!! plush48 plush48


A short bit:

Плющенко: В 2010 году в меня тоже никто не верил

And more Tarasova :ps_ih:

Татьяна Тарасова: "Федерация поступила правильно, выбрав Плющенко"

Тарасова: у Ковтуна не было цели бороться с Плющенко

Ковтун и Плющенко очень мотивировали друг друг, считает Тарасова
by whitebamboo
03 Feb 2014, 02:15
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Re: Пресса & Новости о Жене || Press & News about Plushy

Mishin after this morning's practice:

Алексей Мишин: "Плющенко - рекордсмен, герой"

Тренер Мишин: уверен, что по окончании карьеры Плющенко наше сотрудничество продолжится

longer interview (with E. V.):
by whitebamboo
06 Feb 2014, 18:22
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Re: Командные соревнования || Team Event

Brief interview with Plushy after the SP:

Плющенко: «Я справился с давлением и доволен прокатом»

Евгений Плющенко: на четвертой Олимпиаде отрешиться от эмоций сложнее, чем на первой

Chinese skater Yan Han about Plushy:

Vitaly Mutko about Plushy:

News reports:

Евгений Плющенко успешно выступил с короткой программой в Сочи

Евгений Плющенко стартовал на Олимпиаде с личного рекорда, но проиграл японцу

Евгений Плющенко занял второе место в короткой программе
by whitebamboo
07 Feb 2014, 00:23
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Re: Командные соревнования || Team Event 06/09.02.2014

Some Western press reports:

Plushenko to the critics: “Thank you very much”

The former Olympic champion has helped power Russia in the inaugural Olympic team figure skating competition, turning in a second-place performance in the men’s short program and claiming first in today’s men’s free skate to help the host nation stay atop the standings.

Not a bad way to answer his critics, for whom he had a message during a post-skate interview today with NBC’s Andrea Joyce: “Thank you very much.”

I think this was on the NBC broadcast, too, though I haven't seen it. The interviewer ased him what he want to say to those who doubled him. My Tumblr was inundated by post of people who loved the response. :plush45:

And Phil Hersh, from the day of the SP:
Evgeny Plushenko is a team player for Russia,0,5643028.story#ixzz2sxuv48SP
by whitebamboo
11 Feb 2014, 03:29
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Re: Мужчины - КП & ПП || Men - Short & Free Programs 13/14.0

A few words from Mishin about the training on the 12th:

«Тренировка прошла как запланировали. Да, были небольшие помарки, но кататься дома на Олимпиаде, когда такая ответственность перед страной, болельщиками, всегда сложно», - цитирует сайт Федерации фигурного катания России Мишина.

The quoted brief interview on the FFKKR website:

Алексей Мишин: «Тренировка прошла как запланировали»

Двукратный олимпийский чемпион Евгений Плющенко сегодня провел тренировку накануне личных соревнований. Фигурист исполнил с небольшой помаркой уникальный каскад – четверной тулуп, тройной тулуп и тройной ритбергер, а также другие другие элементы.

После тренировки тренер спортсмена Алексей Мишин дал короткий комментарий.

Алексей Николаевич, как оцениваете готовность Жени перед личным турниром?

Тренировка прошла как запланировали. Да, были небольшие помарки, но кататься дома на Олимпиаде, когда такая ответственность перед страной, болельщиками, всегда сложно.

Возвращаясь к командным соревнованиям, правильно сказать, что Плющенко использовал «американскую стратегию», сделав ставку на компоненты, а не на количество четверных. Ведь и Эван Лейсачек на Олимпиаде в Ванкувере ограничился только тройными, что не помешало ему стать первым?

Это тактика, которую мы спланировали до выступлений. Командные соревнования – совершенно другая вещь. Ты там выступаешь не за себя, а думаешь об успехе команды. И поскольку Женя открывал эти жаркие, зимние, свои вечера, то надо было внести правильный вклад в копилку команды. И он это сделал.
by whitebamboo
13 Feb 2014, 05:41
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Re: Пресса & Новости о Жене || Press & News about Plushy

Soviet cosmonaut Alexey Leonov, the first man to walk in space, on Evgeni:

Алексей Леонов восхищён выступлением Евгения Плющенко на Олимпиаде в Сочи. «Я вчера посмотрел Женю Плющенко. Я в восторге. И говорить о его мастерстве я бы стал во вторую очередь, - поделился впечатлениями космонавт. - Ведь я бы в первую очередь стал говорить о его мужестве. Ведь это пример для сегодняшней молодёжи, как добиться цели, как задавить в себе страшную боль, ведь оба сустава оперированы, сколько он на позвоночнике сделал и вдруг – каскад, то, что никто не делал, а ему уже лет-то много. Это выдающийся человек. Для меня он выдающийся человек, выдающийся пример».

Now this is someone who knows about courage!
by whitebamboo
13 Feb 2014, 05:51
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Re: Пресса & Новости о Жене || Press & News about Plushy

Тренер Ковтуна: Плющенко должен отвечать за решение выступать на ОИ

I can only read in Google translate. But while I am angry at the gall of these people, I think they've also kind of confessed to what happened. I mean, did they say out right that "no, Kovtun was ready, he was waiting to be contacted, he would have competed if he was contacted"? No, they had to talk in a completely illogical way to attack Evgeni, and in doing so, by saying that Evgeni should have skated four programs, they basically denied their own position, and the position of all those people who are going on about how Evgeni "should have given Kovtun a chance". Looks like they are saying they didn't want the chance! :ps_ih:

And why did they have to bring Voronov's name into it? Maybe a better question would be, what kind of athlete would be out of contact, when he is the first alternate in an extremely important competition! I mean, what does the word "alternate" mean? Do they even understand it?
by whitebamboo
17 Feb 2014, 02:03
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Re: Пресса & Новости о Жене || Press & News about Plushy

Evgeni and Edvin visited the "Chinese home" in Sochi today (16th), receiving a set of Chinese team apparel as a gift:
by whitebamboo
17 Feb 2014, 02:16
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Re: Видео (с Женей и другие о нём) || Evgeni's Videos

Evgeni visited the studio of the Chinese "Sochi Exploration" show today (16th):

(Not sure if this video is visible outside of China. Can one of the Chinese girls grab and upload this? :plush39: )

Some of the things he said, according to the accompanying news report:

-Plushy has been treated by doctors and is feeling better, but he will go to Israel again later this month (the reporter noticed that after sitting for a while, he would still lean forward to make himself more comfortable)

-when asked, he said that he would like to come to China to coach if invited. He thought that Chinese skaters are technically strong, but less so in expressiveness. He felt he could help in this aspect.

-he likes Chinese food :-)

-he hopes that his four sons will become football players, and of course also hopes for a daughter!
by whitebamboo
17 Feb 2014, 02:11
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Re: Интервью Жени || Evgeni's interviews


Problem was russian press, who "wrongly" translated his interview... :plush34:

I agree with Viktoria right now.

Part of the problem was with Russian press, but I do not trust CNN! I have seen a great deal of terrible distortions from them, on many, many different things. They even sometimes edit interviews and reports, pictures to form a distorted view of things. The point is, in this they are not even like NBC--NBC is the the network covering the Olympics, so while they have their prejudices, it's still "Olympic coverage", and I can imagine that possibly they would find Evgeni's story interesting in and of itself. But with CNN, It is all, completely political. Always. That is their nature.

Look at the title they themselves put on Youtube: "I was told to compete injured". And they were asking misleading questions. I am sorry, but my English is better than Evgeni's, and I can tell they were trying to use him. This is not what Evgeni needs right now.
by whitebamboo
17 Feb 2014, 21:10
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