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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Мы с мужем тоже едем на ЧЕ, то что Евгений там будет выступать стало хорошим подарком к Рождеству! так как билеты брали еще в мае.
Баннер свой уже нашла. Мужу флаг plush48
Если кто едет и хочет встретится пишите в личку.
by Lotus
17 Jan 2012, 09:54
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012


I dont have russian keyboard on my laptop

we went to see practices today, Evgeni was very confident, he did all his jupms including a few quads! but no 4-3
we put my banner and he skated close to it and was looking, then he waived to us and smile.
Mishin was smiling too! I think Evgeni in very good mood.
I have a few pictures on my computer , but dont know how to load on this forum
by Lotus
23 Jan 2012, 03:07
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

I am going to the rink now.
Good luck to Evgeni today! :plush47:
by Lotus
23 Jan 2012, 12:59
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Hi all

Evgeni was very good today, consider he is going to finish this competition on Sutarday :plush45:

I will upload some videos, please check on youtube and post here

Stupid officials removed ALL banners today((( and they told us THEY will hung them, so I keep my banner with me.

I told Arik about it, so Evgeni knows we still support him :bra_vo:

We seat right behind judges!!! Hope we can throw some hearts and toys :hi_hi_hi:

Artur was very very good too, even tried 4 loop! :co_ol:

by Lotus
23 Jan 2012, 20:44
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Look in Tallin they said the same but then we hanged them alone, we took them with us inside the arena and we put them but after the competition had started.Not the very first day. So dont worry much, and please if you can help us with banner,s we have also a lot to hang!


I am at the practice rink now watching ice dance pracice))) and they have internet:) and I am trying to upload some more vids)) but very slow((
by Lotus
23 Jan 2012, 21:34
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

It looks like ice is very hard((( and Evgeni tried 4 t today, did 3t, 4t-step out, 4t with hand down fully rotated!

yesterday evening practive he did a few good quads! we have to wait till thursday...he has to go at slow pace.
by Lotus
23 Jan 2012, 21:53
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Hi all

on 6 min warm up he did CLEN jumps: 3loop, 3lutz, 3A, 3A, 3T, 4T!!! :bra_vo:

He looked really good first half of the LP, then was a bit slow, for QR it was GOOD job! I guess in LP it will be better. Evgeni really needed this experiance, because of long break from competetions!

QR was just wow! 4t ok, 3a!!! 3a-2t!!! 3loop turn out into transition))), 3lutz!!! 3lutz-t2-2l step, 2s--2A ( needed 3s), 2A!!

he was slow on spins and may be lost some levels, but he didn;t need to be perfect at this point!

I have video, but it's huge, and my hotel internet tells me it will take 754min to download....I will try very hard! but video very good quality right behind the judges :hi_hi_hi:

Joubert was seating behind us :hi_hi_hi: and when Evgeni was done he left too. Many many people sheer Evgeni!!! That was really nice to see from people who understand how much for the sport Evgeni did!!! plush48

sorry for my spell, very tired
by Lotus
24 Jan 2012, 03:16
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

It looks like Evgeni is ok to taste small peace of a cake... His fans needs to be really patient! :a_g_a:
Evgeni needs to work on his stanima for second half of that long program...there is some mental exercises need to be done. I think! even I loved his emotiones today... he was really emotional...and lost some concentration on spins and 3sal, hope his team will fix this by sutarday.
Of course ALL is my IMHO!
by Lotus
24 Jan 2012, 05:07
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

You are welcome! :plush45:

That video is tanking from the middle of arena, and high quality, ENJOY! :mi_ga_et:

It took 18 hours for british internet to download ;;-)))

3 times it was stoped(((

Today Evgeni didn't skate at practice, he olny came to practice rink, walk around and left after half an hour. Artur didn't prractice eather. Only a few guys landed quads today at practice...Amodio 4s, Verner 4t, Brizina had problems, Joubert 4t, 4t-3t, Fernandes 4t, problem 4s. Fernandes didn't imress at all, he is overrated for sure. Most impressive today were Amodio and Joubert... but not close to Plushenko
by Lotus
25 Jan 2012, 00:22
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

I forgot to tell, this video was done by my husband, not me. :mi_ga_et: I will pass thank you to him from all. I asked him if he is ok to make the video and he agreed.
I was simply enjoing Evgeni's skating from row 5 and pray :plush47:
by Lotus
25 Jan 2012, 00:48
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Hi all

Evgeni just finished his evening practice, he was in a very good mood, smile a lot. He did CLEAN all his jumps: 3l, 3, 3lz-3t,3lz-3t, 3a (hand down only little mistake))3a-3t, 3a-3t, 3a, 3lz-3t, 3a, 3l, camel spin, seat spin, combo spin. Then he skated through his SP, he didn't do jumps, just steps, transitions and some spins. He didn't even tried 4t this evening.

Now have to go to watch Dance competition)))

Paires was very good for Russian team))) just wow!

I didn't meet dimi, may be she didn't make it to practice.((

I don't read posts now, because I have very little time to post. I will read everything later when come home)))
by Lotus
25 Jan 2012, 23:27
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

I am trying to load some vids ( evening practice jan 25) from british internet at the hotel again, may by this morning something happened :hi_hi_hi:

so far only one video loaded


by Lotus
26 Jan 2012, 05:07
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

I don't know what up with someone promoting Fernandes as the best for gold, but compare even to old Jouber, he is so invisible, poor posture and so on... of course I am not an expert, but I have my eyes too ::yaz-yk:

Any way my opinion from what I saw last a few days, considering quad jump aside from Evgeni the best so far Gachinski, Amodio, Joubert, Verner, Fernandes,Bresina in this order ...IMHO :mi_ga_et:
I feel like Evgeni doesn't need the quad to win this competition, but he needs to be really clean on spins and steps...who knows what papa Mishin is up to now. I wouldn't worry to much now, even belive he could do the jump 4t in asleep, you wake him up at night and he will do it for you on a floor, he just owns this jump...sorry, but Mishin invested in Evgeni so much! it all pay back now!

Anyway good luck to Evgeni tommorow! Stay healthy and skate clean! :plush47:

Its rainy outside now, but really warm)))
by Lotus
26 Jan 2012, 05:33
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

It was a great competition in SP!
Evgeni was very very good! He DID his steps and spins MUCH BETTER then in QR! just a little mone concentration and everything looked good.

I didn't do any videos, because I know it will be live on TV :mi_ga_et:

We just enjoy his PURE MATURE skating! His skating is so much improved and mature now, and gives you goose bumps when he skates like he did in QR and SP. I am really happy he is working hard and improving in every aspect of his skating! Good job Evgeni!!! plush48

yestarday morning practice at 7 am was very good and very short, he had his coffe, played wis japaneese fans a little and skated very good, only one dissaponting moment was polish guy( sorry dont now the name) almost enjured Evgeni. Evgeni was practicing when HIS MUSIV WAS PLAYED and he did footwoork very very fast and that guy came on his way, don't know HOW Evgeni stoped but HE DID! then this guy skated to his couch and the both started laughting at Evgeni((( and looked at Evgeni again and laughted again....very poor sportmanships from both athlets!!
Evgeni PLEASE watch OUT for bad skaters!

Anyway, lets forget and move on, Evgeni and Artur both did really good in SP. I am reallly happy for papa Mishin!

Good luck to Evgeni and Artur in LP! :plush47:

spanish tv show me with my pink banner after Evgeni skated his SP :hi_hi_hi: :hi_hi_hi:
by Lotus
27 Jan 2012, 13:59
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Congratulation to Evgeni with GOLD medal at Europians 2012!

That was magnificent! as it says on my banner :mi_ga_et:

He gave very good interview right after the skate at the arena, probably it will be on line soon. He said thank you to everyone and to judges too. :plush45:

he was very good at the morning practice, so was Artur.

my congratulation to Artur with his first European silver medal, he can't match Plushenko yet, but has huge potential!

and my SPETIAL THANK YOU TO ALEXEI NIKOLAEVICH MISHIN for all his hard work, for so many years! if not for him, we wouldn't see, what we saw today at Sheffield arena!

i think organaizers did poor job, because Evgeni did "little history", so they could mention that at the medal ceremony, nothing was said about it.

i felt sorry for Joubert...he is such a good person, but can't concentrate when need it, he was so friendly every day with fans at prctices..he gave evryone hug who wanted... :hi_hi_hi: Evgeni could learn that...because he was hiding all the time...and i couldn't take a picture with him.., but that it ok, i have so many from old days...
by Lotus
28 Jan 2012, 21:27
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Hi all

Evgeni was SUPER STAR at the Gala!!! :ya_hoo_oo:

FINALLY organizers did better job! He was well introduced and everybody made HUGE noise at the arena! I really liked his ex. program with three 3a :plush45:

After he skated, we throw on the ice huge tiger :hi_hi_hi:

I think his original costume for tango roxanne was much better, more in style and sexy :mi_ga_et: but he won and who cares...

I did video of the free skate medal ceremony, but will upload much later, because we will leave sheffield tomorrow, and will travel in Europe for another 10 days, if some hotels will have better connection I will upload everything. Memory card was full and I couldn't finish the video...

Today at the exhibition practice Evgeni was really relax, smile a lot, and give a lots of autographs and did pictures with fans! Good job Evgeni!

I have so much memories from this competitions and later will try to write some more interesting moments.

And i finally met Dimi!!! :plush40: and I saw many Evgenis fans at the arena from different counties, they were really happy to see him live one more time in Europe! a few british ladies who were seating behind us brought russian flag just for Evgeni!! plush48 plush48

A.N.Mishin was in such a good mood too!!! it was pleasure to see him FINALLY relax!
by Lotus
30 Jan 2012, 02:13
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

I could upload a few more videos. If you watch them carefully, you will understand how Evgeni felt at this competition. That was very very long for him, and he could manage his strengths very well :a_g_a:

by Lotus
01 Feb 2012, 03:04
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Re: Чемпионат Европы 2012 || European Championships 2012

Interview with Evgeni after LP in K and C area taking by isu

by Lotus
01 Feb 2012, 03:10
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