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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Thanks a lot for all the fantastic news!! I can't wait to know who the well-known foreign coreographer is!!
by Gabry
18 Apr 2013, 18:25
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice
Replies: 3755
Views: 11933782

Re: Женя “вне льда” (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice

Wonderful place!! Wish Evgeni and Yana a very happy and pleasant holiday in México!!
by Gabry
15 Apr 2013, 13:12
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Вне льда (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice
Replies: 3959
Views: 10928031

Re: Женя в Твиттере & ВКонтакте || Evgeni at Twitter & VKont

I love Evgeni's red outfit!! It suits him fantastic, although my favourite colour for him is light-blue because it matches his eyes.
by Gabry
13 Apr 2013, 19:14
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Женя в Твиттере & ВК || Evgeni at Twitter, VK, Instagram
Replies: 2918
Views: 7099594

Re: Женя “вне льда” (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice

Thank you very much for the beautiful picture! I'm really amazed to read that both Plushy and Edvin will give a show together...Is Evgeni already in condition to perform on the ice?? I remember that Mr. Mishin told he would start skating again during his Summer camp in Pinzolo, starting from June 17...
by Gabry
05 Apr 2013, 14:38
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Вне льда (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice
Replies: 3959
Views: 10928031

Re: Женя “вне льда” (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice

A lot of thanks for the wonderful pictures! Both Yana and Plushy are looking gorgeous here. I'm happy to see Zhenya's OK, wish him with all my heart to recover in the best way for the upcoming Olympic season!!
by Gabry
28 Mar 2013, 15:41
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Вне льда (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice
Replies: 3959
Views: 10928031

Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

I'm surprised to hear that Evgeni's going to build up a new program with a new coreographer in Novosibirsk!! I remember everybody who saw his "Romeo and Juliet" last Summer in Pinzolo was amazed by the beauty of that program! And well, just curiosity, but why Novosibirsk? This is a city so...
by Gabry
20 Mar 2013, 01:14
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice
Replies: 3755
Views: 11933782

Re: Видео с Женей (ретроспектива) || Videos with Evgeni

What a shame!! That video was one of my favourites, too! Also Plushy's performance at EC in Sheffield 2012 has been deleted on you tube, but I had recorded it on dvd.
by Gabry
08 Mar 2013, 02:25
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Видео прошлых лет || Old videos with Evgeni
Replies: 2180
Views: 6975237

Re: Олимпиада 2006, Турин. Приятные воспоминания :-) || 2006

What a night it was at the Palavela!! He was amazing, everybody in the crowd were on their feet applauding Evgeni!! I'm immensely proud he claimed his Olympic Gold Medal in my hometown Torino!!! I love you, Plushy<3<3<3
by Gabry
17 Feb 2013, 15:38
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Олимпиада 2006, Турин. Приятные воспоминания :-) || 2006 Oly
Replies: 500
Views: 240641

Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Oh yes, I'm also anxious to know what he said during the interview! Could someone please translate the Russian text into English? So very nice of you, many thanks in advance!
by Gabry
16 Feb 2013, 02:31
Forum: Всё о Жене || Everything about Evgeni
Topic: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice
Replies: 3755
Views: 11933782

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